
「オンラインで追加のガジェットを取得」という部分の英語が「get more gadgets online」だった。(参考
msdn Forumsのガジェットの中にヒントがあった。

ramrom60 wrote:
i cant use the link "get more gadgets online" on sidebar gadgets , when i press it, i get nothing, it doesnt lead me to the vista gadgets site...it was working before downlaoding microsoft office,,,i dont know if there is a relation...please help
ToddOs wrote:
Are you perhaps using a proxy? Since the last Gallery update, the Gallery web sites behave poorly if you try to do an HTTP 1.1 request through a proxy that doesn't support HTTP 1.1 (the most popular proxy on the web, Squid, is not-quite-1.1-compliant). In my case, I ended up configuring my proxy settings to bypass the proxy for gallery sites, but I just saw the same problem on the Vista landing page. Turning off IE's "Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connections" fixed the problem with the Vista page, and now it loads fine even after I turn that back on (must be a caching thing). You can see more details in this thread (specifically my post from 11/18/07). Until the Gallery team fixes what's wrong on their end, you'll have to deal with bypassing proxy for Gallery or only doing HTTP 1.0 via proxy.
Oddly enough, I've only had issues with the Gallery sites and nowhere else, so it seems that the latest Gallery update is doing something wrong.

ToddOs wrote:
For what it's worth, I found that upgrading to the latest version of Squid (2.6-STABLE16) solved the problems without having to route around the proxy, so it seems that either Squid had a bug or the Squid developers decided to work around buggy servers. Whatever the reason, all works now. I did have to switch my Debian installation from "stable" to "testing" in order to get the latest Squid from the Debian apt servers.
In this case, it looks like the Gallery servers enabled compression on dynamic content (ASPX pages), which in IIS means that data is sent in chunked encoding format. Dynamic data isn't cached, so in order to do on-the-fly compression IIS switches to chunked mode; it's supposed to disable compression, and thus chunking, when receiving HTTP-1.0 requests, which is why telling IE to send 1.0 requests via proxy works. Things only get hairy when you have a 1.1 request from IE going through Squid, which converts to 1.0 but apparently leaves something in place in the request to make IIS think it's still a 1.1 request.
Transfer-Encoding headers are HTTP-1.1 specific features and should never be offered to HTTP-1.0 clients (Squid should identify itself as HTTP-1.0 for this purpose even when the initial request was HTTP-1.1). Squid, at least up through 2.6-STABLE10 or so, did not understand chunked encoding. I'm not sure later versions understand it either, but they have some way to work around it for now.
So add a 4th option to the workaround list: Upgrade your Squid installation to a version that can work around buggy servers
